6th- Benjamin Franklin (25-05-2020)

Hello everyone! How have you started the week? I hope good.😊

Today, Fernada is talking about one of the most important inventors of USA, Benjamin Franklin. En el vídeo que nos ha mandado Fernanda esta semana nos habla de este inventor y de todos los inventos que ha creado. Nos podéis decir ¿qué inevnto es vuestro favorito?

Have a nice day! ❤

7 comentarios:

  1. Hello! I´m Carlos García from 6A. I can´t see the video.Don´t give me permission!! Bye.

  2. Hello! I,m is Carlota experience is TV because of west didn,t Getxo nored

  3. Respuestas
    1. Hi Carlota,
      There are some mistakes but I suppose because of the computer translator.
